Human connection is an essential component to both mental and physical well-being, especially for those who undergo a life-changing event, such as stoma surgery.That is why the team at Ostique created Ostique CONNECT, the first ostomy peer-to-peer support platform.Ostique CONNECT matches users across the world who have had similar journeys and experiences to one another, so that they can find relatable, first-hand 1:1 support – pre and post-surgery.Ostique CONNECT also provides the ability to engage with the community through Forums, where topics and conversations are created and managed by the community.You can read blogs written by the community, listen to Ostique’s podcast ‘Chatting Sh*t with Ostique’ and access loads of useful resources, all through Ostique CONNECT.Simply complete the sign-up form and let us match you with someone who knows exactly what youre going through - because theyve been through it themselves!Share stories, photos and videos knowing that everything you do in Ostique CONNECT is confidential, safe and secure. Ostique CONNECT is able to provide a support system unlike anything else available.Ostique CONNECT is here with you for life. If your needs change, just edit your profile and we will find you new matches to meet your evolving new needs.